Improvements to Transfers
Bulk transfers are now a lot easier and smarter, and you can now find transfers on the Dashboard with Transfer Code or ID

Improvements to Bulk Transfers
We’ve made a ton of improvements to Bulk Transfers that make it easier for you to transfer funds to multiple bank accounts at the same time.
1. It’s now a LOT easier to upload transfers. Previously, you could only bulk upload transfers if the headers of the CSV were in a very specific format. Now, you can upload any spreadsheet, and then select the correct headers after the upload. This means that you no longer need to wrestle with the CSV in Excel before bulk upload!

2. You can now review a bulk transfer spreadsheet after you upload it, and make edits by clicking on the pencil icon [7]

3. It’s now easier to identify duplicate transfers. When you bulk upload your list of transfers, duplicate lines are flagged, and you can click on the caution icon [4] to resolve this
- When you click on the caution logo [4], a modal appears, and you can either click on any of the delete icons [5] to delete one or more duplicate, or ignore it by clicking on “Ignore Duplication” [6]
- If you choose to proceed and ignore the duplicates, the transfer is made to the same recipient multiple times

4. It’s now easier to see if you might be about to send a transfer to the wrong person. When you upload the transfers CSV, the Dashboard now automatically checks to see if the name of the customer you’ve supplied is the same name that’s associated with the bank account. If there’s a mismatch (i.e. if it’s possible you were about to send a transfer to the wrong person) such as in [8] below, you will be notified, and given the option to:
- Make edits to the bank account number or bank account name by clicking on the pencil icon as shown in [7] above
- Make the transfers anyway to the owner of the bank account number

5. You can now retry failed transfers. When you make transfers, and some of them fail, you can now retry only the failed ones by clicking on “Retry Failed Transfers” [9] You can also select specific transfers and retry only those.

Find transfers on the Dashboard with Transfer Code or ID
It used to be relatively difficult for businesses that do transfers via the Paystack API to find specific transfers on the Dashboard.
Now, this process is a lot easier, and here’s how you go about it:
- Copy the Transfer Code of a particular transfer from your end
- Login to your Paystack Dashboard, and click on “Transfers”
- Click on “Go To Transfer” [1], and paste the Transfer Code in the “Transfer Code or ID” field [2]
- Click on “Go” [3] to go to the particular transfer

Have questions?
If you need any help at all concerning Transfers, please feel free to send us an email at [email protected], or request a phone call!