Product Updates to Paystack Payment Pages

Here’re five new improvements to Paystack Payment Pages!

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Paystack’s Payment Pages are simple online forms through which customers can pay you. They’re easy to set up, optimised for sharing online, and you don’t need a website to use one.

Today, we’re excited to announce a number of improvements to Payment Pages!

Improvements to Paystack Payment Pages

Here’s a list of 5 recent improvements that we’ve made to Payment Pages, we’ll walk through each one in detail below:

  • You can now create quarterly subscription plans for recurring Payment Pages
  • You can now split payments accepted through a Payment Page between two bank accounts
  • You can now upload an image to display when a Payment Page is shared on social media
  • You can include a custom message in your customers’ email receipts after they pay through a Payment Page
  • You can now duplicate Payment Pages

Want to learn how to create a Paystack Payment Page? Here’s a quick tutorial that’ll walk you through it!

1. New: Quarterly Subscription Plans for recurring Payment Pages

Before now, you could only set up subscription Payment Pages to charge your customers hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. Now, the new quarterly subscription feature allows you to charge your customers once every 3 months.

Here’s how to create a quarterly subscription for recurring Payment Pages:

  • Log into your Paystack dashboard and click on Payment Pages, annotated as “1” in the screenshot below
  • Next, select Subscription Payment, annotated as “2” below to create a Payment Page set up for subscription plans
  • On the Payment Page creation form that shows, click on the Interval field and select the Quarterly interval option
  • Fill in the remaining fields in the Payment Page’s creation form as required, and click on Create to create your recurring Payment Page for quarterly subscriptions

2. New: Set up split payments on Payment Pages

With Split Payments on Payment Pages, every time a payment is received through a Payment Page, the money is split between two bank accounts.

In the image below, the field annotated as “4” allows you to add a Paystack subaccount. After adding one, you can then instruct Paystack to send a predetermined share of all payments accepted on the Payment Page to the selected Paystack subaccount.


This video tutorial explains in detail how to set up split payments on Payment Pages:

You may also read this blog post to learn more about split payments on Payment Pages and possible ways to use the feature.

3. New: Upload an image to display when a Payment Page is shared on social media

Before now, when you shared a Payment Page on social media, the default image that would be displayed was the Paystack logo. Now, you can customize a Payment Page to display an image of your choice.

Let me show you what I mean. The is how a Paystack Payment Page looks like by default when it’s shared on social media.

A screenshot of a Payment Page with the default Paystack image as shared on Twitter

And this is what the same Payment Page looks like when a custom image is added! Adding an image makes your Payment Page look a lot better on social media, and will likely increase the number of people who’ll click on the link, and who’ll convert to become paying customers.

A screenshot of a Payment Page with a customised image

Here’s how to add a social image to your Payment Page:

  • Log in to your Paystack Dashboard and click on Payment Pages annotated as “5” below
  • Select your preferred Payment Page type, and then click on Upload Image annotated as “6” below to upload an image

NOTE: Take care to select an image that’s less than 1MB in size, and preferrably with dimensions of 1024 x 512 pixels

Uploading open graph images for Payment Pages
  • Click on Create to create your Payment Page with a customised image

4. New: Include a custom message in your customers’ email receipts

When customers make successful transactions, you’ve always been able to show them instant success messages on the screen and have Paystack send them automated email receipts. Now, that success message also shows up in the body of the email receipt.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Check to see that under your Preferences menu on the Paystack Dashboard, the Email receipts to customers option, annotated as “7” below, is checked
  • On your Payment Page creation form, type in your preferred success message in the field annotated as “8” below
  • Fill in the remaining fields in the Payment Page’s creation form as required, and click on “Create” to create your Payment Page and include a customized message in the email receipt.

5. New: Duplicate Payment Pages

With the new duplicate feature, you can now duplicate a live Payment Page and then modify it instead of creating a similar one from scratch.

Say you’re creating a Payment Page for an earring and you’d like to test two different Payment Pages with two different images so you can determine the version that enjoys the most engagement; you could simply create a Payment Page, duplicate it, and change just the image in the duplicate.

Here’s how to duplicate a Payment Page:

  • Select the Payment Page you want to duplicate from your list of existing Payment Pages
  • You can only duplicate a live Payment Page, so first, take the original Payment Page live. Next, click on Duplicate, annotated as “9” in the screenshot below:
  • Modify the image or some other property of the duplicated Payment Page, save, and publish!

In Summary

We’ve introduced these enhancements to Payment Pages so you can do even more with them. We’re excited to see you grow your business with Paystack Payment Pages!

More info?

You can read this Paystack Help Desk article to learn more about Payment Pages in general:

Our friendly Customer Success Experts are also on standby to answer any questions — give them a call at +234 908 566 2909 or send us an email at [email protected]!

Product Updates to Paystack Payment Pages - The Paystack Blog Product Updates to Paystack Payment Pages - The Paystack Blog