The Terminal API allows you to build delightful in-person payment experiences.
Send Event
Send an event from your application to the Paystack Terminal
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
terminal_id String | The ID of the Terminal the event should be sent to. |
type String | The type of event to push. We currently support invoice and transaction |
action String | The action the Terminal needs to perform. For the invoice type, the action can either be process or view . For the transaction type, the action can either be process or print . |
data Object | The paramters needed to perform the specified action. For the invoice type, you need to pass the invoice id and offline reference: {id: invoice_id, reference: offline_reference} . For the transaction type, you can pass the transaction id: {id: transaction_id} |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/{terminal_id}/event"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "type": "invoice",7 "action": "process",8 "data": {9 "id": 7895939,10 "reference": 463433789593911 }12}'1314curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Event sent to Terminal",4 "data": {5 "id": "616d721e8c5cd40a0cdd54a6"6 }7}
Fetch Event Status
Check the status of an event sent to the Terminal
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
terminal_id String | The ID of the Terminal the event was sent to. |
event_id String | The ID of the event that was sent to the Terminal |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/{terminal_id}/event/{event_id}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Message Status Retrieved",4 "data": {5 "delivered": true6 }7}
Fetch Terminal Status
Check the availiability of a Terminal before sending an event to it
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
terminal_id String | The ID of the Terminal you want to check |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/{terminal_id}/presence"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Terminal status retrieved",4 "data": {5 "online": true,6 "available": false7 }8}
List Terminals
List the Terminals available on your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
perPage Integer | Specify how many records you want to retrieve per page. If not specify we use a default value of 50. | |
next String | A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It can be used to fetch the next page of the list | |
previous String | A cursor that indicates your place in the list. It should be used to fetch the previous page of the list after an intial next request | |
Show optional parameters |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Terminals retrieved successfully",4 "data": [5 {6 "id": 30,7 "serial_number": "033301504100A563877",8 "device_make": null,9 "terminal_id": "2872S934",10 "integration": 463433,11 "domain": "live",12 "name": "Damilola's Terminal",13 "address": null,14 "status": "active"15 }16 ],17 "meta": {18 "next": null,19 "previous": null,20 "perPage": 121 }22}
Fetch Terminal
Get the details of a Terminal
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
terminal_id String | The ID of the Terminal the event was sent to. |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/{terminal_id}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"45curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -X GET
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Terminal retrieved successfully",4 "data": {5 "id": 30,6 "serial_number": "033301504100A563877",7 "device_make": null,8 "terminal_id": "2872S934",9 "integration": 463433,10 "domain": "live",11 "name": "Damilola's Terminal",12 "address": null,13 "status": "active"14 }15}
Update Terminal
Update the details of a Terminal
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
terminal_id String | The ID of the Terminal you want to update |
name String | Name of the terminal |
address String | The address of the Terminal |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/{terminal_id}"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "address": "Somewhere on earth"7}'89curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X PUT
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Terminal Details updated"4}
Commission Terminal
Activate your debug device by linking it to your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
serial_number String | Device Serial Number |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/commission_device"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "serial_number": "1111150412230003899"7}'89curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": false,3 "message": "Device has been commissioned already"4}
Decommission Terminal
Unlink your debug device from your integration
authorization String | Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY |
content-type String | Set value to application/json |
serial_number String | Device Serial Number |
1#!/bin/sh2url="https://api.paystack.co/terminal/decommission_device"3authorization="Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY"4content_type="Content-Type: application/json"5data='{6 "serial_number": "1111150412230003899"7}'89curl "$url" -H "$authorization" -H "$content_type" -d "$data" -X POST
Sample Response
200 Ok
1{2 "status": true,3 "message": "Device decommissioned successfully"4}