Find out what’s on the horizon for Paystack's API and how to leverage the latest products and features so you can build faster and better apps.
Are you a freelancer or dev agency looking for new leads? Come learn how the Paystack Partner program can help you find more clients and customers.
Share ideas and experiences, learn from others in your community, and get help and insight from your local Paystack team.
Have a topic you're passionate about, and would like to share with others? Sign up and stand a chance to give a lightning talk at the event!
We'll be holding single day, meetup-style events across 2 cities in South Africa.
05:00 PM
Confirm your registration, grab a drink and mingle with other folks. Early birds get some custom swag bags with goodies from Paystack and Stripe!
05:30 PM
And we're underway! We'll start off with a brief intro to Paystack, in case it's your first time hearing about us (though I hope it's not 😅), followed by introductions to members of the Paystack team.
05:45 PM
Get a peek behind the curtain. Find out more about what Paystack has been up to in South Africa, and what's in store for 2023!
06:15 PM
Stretch your legs, grab a coffee, and meet other members of the community.
06:30 PM
Have a topic you're passionate about, and would like to share with others? Well then come give a lightning talk⚡ You'll have 3-5 minutes to share your knowledge on a topic of your choice.
06:45 PM
Are you a freelancer or dev shop looking for new leads? Or building an application that you'd like to market to Paystack merchants? Come learn how the Paystack Partner Program can help you find more clients and customers and grow your business.
07:00 PM
Learn how we're using our open source tools to enhance the developer experience and improve developer onboarding at Paystack. And how you can get involved too!
07:20 PM
Get an inside look at how engineering at Paystack works from a few of our engineers. We’ll give you a chance to ask all the questions you’ve got and we’ll answer them transparently.
07:40 PM
Close out the day by hanging with old and new friends, prospective collaborators, and other members of the community. Also, last chance to grab some cool merch from Paystack & Stripe!
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